Your Wallet : 1000 ADA

What is Staking

group ADA held on the Cardano network represents a stake in the network, with the size of the stake proportional to the amount of ADA held. The ability to delegate ADA or pledge a stake is fundamental to how Cardano works.

There are two ways an ADA holder can earn rewards: by delegating their stake to a Cardano stake pool run by someone else, or running their own stake pool. The amount of stake delegated to a given stake pool is the primary way the Ouroboros protocol chooses who should add the next block to the blockchain, and receive a monetary reward for doing so.

The more stake is delegated to a stake pool (up to a certain point), the more likely it is to make the next block and the rewards are shared between everyone who delegated their stake to that stake pool.

What is Delegation?

group Cardano delegation is the process by which ada holders delegate the stake associated with their ada to a stake pool. It allows ada holders that do not have the skills or desire to run a node to participate in the network and be rewarded in proportion to the amount of stake delegated.

Stake ADA With Us

group To delegate your ADA with us, you will need to install a Cardano Wallet. We recommend using Yoroi or Daedalus as they are the official wallets from Cardano. Yoroi allows you to start staking really quick, Daedalus requires more time as it needs to download the entire blockchain into your computer. After installing the wallet, transfer some ADA to your wallet and within the wallet software, look for the delegation section, search for '888' or '888Pool' and you will find us. Feel free to contact us if you need some help setting up your wallet and/or staking with us!