(A Cardano Stake Pool)

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Pool ID: 7c5fd84421a68f545d09ad8580b2a154a7bb6f79f4a3a8acb4d15e27
Name: 888POOL.IO
Ticker: 888
Margin fee: 0%
Fixed fee: 170₳
More info: here

How do I stake to 888POOL.IO using Daedalus wallet?

- Download the official Cardano Daedalus wallet here
- Allow the wallet to sync with the network (can take up to an hour)
- Transfer your ADA to your Daedalus wallet
- Select the 2nd icon on the left (looks like a web/network)
- Select Stake Pools
- Type in the search box 888
- You see 888POOL.IO, click that
- Click Delegate to this pool
- Follow the on screen prompts, and you are good to go 😎

How do I stake to 888POOL.IO using Yoroi wallet?

- Navigate here to download/install the Browser Extension
- Go to the Extension, you just installed
- Click Add new wallet
- Click Create wallet
- Select Cardano
- Click Create wallet
- Give your wallet a name and a strong password that you remember
- Transfer your ADA to your new Yoroi wallet
- Click delegate by ID
- Enter our ID: 7c5fd84421a68f545d09ad8580b2a154a7bb6f79f4a3a8acb4d15e27
- Delegate you 888POOL.IO and you are good to go 😎

You can track your rewards with your staking address here. If you want to
know how to find your staking address, then contact us.

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